The challenge of solving picture puzzles and optical illusions has become an increasingly popular occupation online. I think it has to do with living in a competitive world — and who doesn’t want to solve a puzzle? I remember at school some teachers used to give us a riddle to solve in the morning and ask for the answer at the end of the day. Then you had to think a little more “outside the box” and in a little different way. I’m from Texas and I love these illusions.
I remember that it was always a little tense in class when it was time to share your answer. Everyone really wanted to win! Today, I still love a challenge. Recently, for example, I got into Sudoku, but now it feels like picture puzzles are the new thing.
Only 1 in 10 can solve it
This image (below) has got thousands tearing their hair out trying to solve it and has been shared thousands of times across the net.
The picture shows an older man but hiding in the picture is the image of a dog. The question is can you find it? Apparently, only 1 in 10 people can solve it within 30 seconds, so it’s not easy!

Did you manage to find the dog? If not then here are some useful hints. Try to find the parts of the man’s face that look a bit strange and then look closer.
If this hint didn’t help, maybe we can agree that the nose looks a little strange? You may have also noticed that the eyes are a bit strange too and there’s something missing from the ear. Ladies and gentleman, the dog appears if you turn the picture!