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Letters of intent are now being accepted for the Transportation Alternatives program through the South Dakota Department of Transportation


Letters of intent are now being accepted for the Transportation Alternatives program through the South Dakota Department of Transportation

Letters of intent are now being accepted for the Transportation Alternatives program through the South Dakota Department of Transportation

Rapid City, S.D. – According to the state officials, Transportation Alternatives is reportedly a program that uses federal transportation funds, designated by Congress, for specific activities that enhance the inter-modal transportation system and provide safe alternative transportation options.

Transportation Alternatives encompasses a variety of smaller-scale non-motorized transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to school projects, community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to storm water and habitat connectivity.

Approximately $8 million is available in fiscal year 2024 through a competitive project selection process administered by the SDDOT Office of Project Development. 

Funds may be limited by the SDDOT to $600,000 per project dependent upon the number and cost of approved projects.

The minimum SDDOT funding amount for infrastructure projects is $50,000. There is no minimum funding amount for non-infrastructure projects.

There is a minimum local sponsor match requirement of 18.05% for both infrastructure and non-infrastructure project proposals.

A full description of the TA program is available here.

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