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Hundreds Enjoy Old-Fashioned Summer Fun at Hydrant Party in Sioux Park


Hundreds Enjoy Old-Fashioned Summer Fun at Hydrant Party in Sioux Park

Hundreds Enjoy Old-Fashioned Summer Fun at Hydrant Party in Sioux Park

Rapid City, S.D. –

What a great day for a hydrant party in the park! Hundreds of community members turned out to join officers from the Rapid City Police Department and firefighters from the Rapid City Fire Department for some old-fashioned summer fun in Sioux Park.

This delightful event, held in partnership with Rapid City Parks & Recreation, brought smiles and laughter to attendees of all ages. It was a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together, cool off, and enjoy a memorable day in the sun.

The hydrant party featured water games, activities, and a chance for everyone to connect with their local first responders in a relaxed and festive atmosphere. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Rapid City Police Department, Fire Department, and Parks & Recreation, the event was a resounding success. We look forward to many more fun-filled gatherings in the future!

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