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Chip seal and fog seal applications will be applied to several highways in the greater Sioux Falls area beginning on Friday, May 19, 2023


Chip seal and fog seal applications will be applied to several highways in the greater Sioux Falls area beginning on Friday, May 19, 2023

Chip seal and fog seal applications will be applied to several highways in the greater Sioux Falls area beginning on Friday, May 19, 2023

Rapid City, S.D. – According to the state officials, the contractor will move from one project to the next in the following order:

  1. U.S. Highway 81:  Three miles total, from two miles south of U.S. Highway 14 to five miles south of Highway 14. The approximate time to complete the chip seal on this route is one day.
  2. S.D. Highway 19:  23 miles total from S.D. Highway 34 to S.D. Highway 38. The approximate time to complete the chip seal on this route is four days.  
  3. S.D. Highway 19:  13 miles total from S.D. Highway 42 to S.D. Highway 44. The approximate time to complete the chip seal on this route is three days.
  4. S.D. Highway 44:  13 miles total from Parker to Lennox. The approximate time to complete the chip seal on this route is four days.
  5. S.D. Highway 11:  Two miles total from S.D. Highway 42 north two miles. The approximate time to complete the chip seal on this route is one day.

State officials also announced that after the chip seal operation is completed, all routes will receive a fog seal within a few days. Traffic will be reduced to one lane and guided through each project with the use of flaggers and a pilot car.

A delay of up to 15 minutes can be expected while traveling through the work area during daytime hours. Loose gravel will be present for a period of 36 to 72 hours after each day’s chip seal application. Motorists should travel at 40 mph, or the posted speed limit if it is less than 40 mph, during this time frame.

Permanent pavement marking is scheduled to be applied within 14 days of completion of the chip and fog seal projects. 

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